Monday, December 22, 2014

House pictures

Here are the house pictures. Sorry they are so crummy!

The kitchen. It's a bigger than the pictures make it look. 

 Look at that cute little counter! I think it was made for my sewing machine. :) (The last pair of pajamas is hanging on the back of that chair :) )

 Calvin- Ryley wanted me to let you know she LOVES the pouch you made her. It houses her little pets :)
 Living room. Also bigger than the pictures make it look. It is really spacious with a huge window! Lots of natural light- yay! Also, Eli felt like photobombing all the pictures. Sorry about that.

 This bathroom has a ridiculous amount of cabinet and counter space. I don't know what to do with it all- other than make sure it doesn't collect clutter!
 Cheeks having a tea party :)

 The boys room is small. There is a closet directly next to the white bed in the corner you see. They will be on mattresses until we buy. The bed frames are too big for the room!

 See look! Dunks coffee is here too. :)

Will be back soon!

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