Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Busy days

We are officially homeless! We signed on all the papers last night and are no longer home owners which is bitter sweet. It was also very anti-climactic. We have been waiting for signing on those papers for a month. As buyers almost four years ago, the paper signing took hours! It seems that selling a house takes a lot less paper work. We signed maybe 5 papers, joked around and chatted with the buyers and realtors, and left. We were in and out in less than 30 minutes. Which was great, but it felt like something as momentous as selling a house and moving half across a country should take a little longer than that.

The Lord also provided more in the little things. We had some expenses of moving come up that we had not planned for, and three different things during the signing ended up with kickbacks and unexpected amounts of money that will cover every single one of them almost to the dollar! I will never understand why we revert back to worry and fear when we are serving the Lord.

Last night we said our first hard goodbye. It is certainly making it far more real. The ride home was hard. All I wanted to do was go back for one more hug. But you just can't, because it will never be enough one last hug. I knew moving from ALL of our family (both his and mine) was going to be rough, but you can never prepare yourself well enough for something like this.

Tonight we are having tea with my Nanny, and that goodbye is going to be equally difficult. This week is filled with goodbyes that I don't want to make. We have been blessed with such amazing family that loves us. And what a blessing it is that they don't hold us back, but instead encourage us to follow the Lord.

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